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Mindfulness Activities (Chilly Edition)

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The Wildwood Write Up

June 30, 2023

The Wildwood Write Up

AKA All the News That Session 3 Printed

Edited by staff Lizzie and Lehanna

Why Camp Helps Mental Health

Written by Milla H.

Camp is a nice place to let go of worries and other bad stuff.

The counselors will always check to make sure that people are ok and well. Making friends is good. You can talk to them and maybe open up.

When you’re here, people make friendship bracelets for each other.

Camp is calm and kind of crazy but it’s fun. There are so many places to relax and take naps. There is rest time, so if people have books or journals that help them, they can use them, which is good. They can also use them when they go to the library.

If people have bad sleep schedules, coming to camp can help them fix it. The breeze is a nice sound that will help you relax.

When people go to camp, they can’t have their phones. It’s nice that they can have a five day break.

When people have friends at camp, they can hangout with them and help them. If people have fears they want to face, friends can help them do that.

The counselors are really nice, but they will be strict. If someone barely drinks water and they want to drink more, then come to camp! The counselor[s] make sure you drink water.

Everyone is super nice and helpful.

My Cabin

Written by Emersyn D

What I like about my cabin is my bunk bed. I sleep on the bottom bunk.

Another thing I like about my cabin is the porch. I put my towels, swimming suit, bug spray, and sunscreen on the porch.

My cabin leaders are cool (especially Alex).

What I like about my cabin is the girls. They’re nice, caring, funny, and cool.

One thing that I’ve done with my cabin is songs like “60’s Party in a 60’s Movie” and “You Can’t Ride in my Little Red Wagon.”

What do you like about your cabin?


Written by Sidney B

At Wildwood there is so much nature. I wrote this because I really like nature.

I like the way it looks, the way it flows, and how it feels. There might be some bugs, but I still love it.

The coolest thing I saw in nature at Wildwood was probably the frogs.

Nature at Wildwood

Written by Delaney B

At Wildwood, you’re surrounded by nature.

There’s a big pond for kayaking or canoeing. Many frogs can be found near it. Lots of kids can fish and explore in the pond! There are lots of trees, too. They provide shade and amazing scenery. Wild flowers grow everywhere and the there’s a beautiful meadow. Most people at Wildwood like the nature here. The beauty of it makes people feel good. For others, nature might push them out of their comfort zone, and that can be a good thing! Although there are negatives about nature. There are bugs everywhere, and you could get a sunburn. That’s why counselors remind campers to wear sunscreen and bug spray so they can still explore the great outdoors!

A Day at Camp

Written by Logan K

Yesterday I did sports and we played kickball and soccer.

After that I did journalism club and interviewed 5 people.

Next I ate lunch, and during rest time we finished “Night of the Ninjas” which was a really cool book.

And then we had KFC bowls for dinner. Next some kids and I started to catch frogs.

Finally we went into our cabins and went to sleep.

Wildwood Years

Written by Ellie P

What I like about Wildwood is that they have changed things from last year. We have clubs now and they are so fun. We get to have plays, go outside, and see animals. There’s so many other things here at Wildwood.

What I also love about Wildwood is that the staff here care for you. They make you laugh when you feel down and sometimes you could get treats, but not all the time.

Overall camp Wildwood is one of the best camps I have ever been to. The food here is so good and so is the sherbet.

One of my favorite things about Wildwood is that my first year here we went down to the lake and we got to catch fish, but we would be careful about the snapping turtles. On my first try, I got a snapping turtle. The snapping turtle would follow me around, but I ran because I was scared of it. I thought it would bite me, but it never did. Some of my friends and I were laughing. It was funny. I have so many memories about Wildwood but that one is my favorite of all time.

My Favorite Memory at Wildwood

Written by Natalie P.

It was my first year, and I was really scared. I thought I wasn’t going to make any friends and plus I was the oldest in my cabin.

When I first settled down in my cabin, my counselor Jessie explained everything.

Then I made my first friend and we bonded really well. I got comfortable with the others in the cabin, too. The beds were really uncomfortable, but it was alright.

I learned how to fish, boat, and other skills I never learned before. There was a bad time, but we got through as a cabin.

I still talk to the girls I had in my first cabin. Wildwood is the most fun camp I have ever been to. I grew as a person, met new people, and got out of my comfort zone.


Written by Jhi’Xe Y

Wildwood is a camp that gives you many fun and educating experiences. However, some campers don’t enjoy their stay. Here are some ways [I think] Camp Wildwood can improve and give campers a joyful experience:

  1. Later Bedtimes — Some campers get along so well with their fellow cabin mates that they don’t want to go to bed at 10:30, which causes arguments and disruption. Maybe 11:15 PM for older kids.
  2. More Options — There are more energetic kids, less energetic, and calm kids. They should have plenty of activities for both.
  3. More Concern about Mental Health — Some kids come to Camp Wildwood to get away and they may need to be checked in on.

With that being said, I hope Wildwood takes this into consideration.

About Camp

Written by Anna E.

This camp is amazing if you want to get away from home because it’s a fun sleep way camp.

Some things that happen in this camp are kids waking up counselors, making bracelets, swimming, rock wall, giant swing, and naps.

There are also camp clubs. Some of those clubs are ropes, farm, nature, and swimming. Most of this camp is fun and amazing. There are a lot of great and amazing food.

That is all about my camp!

Fun Things at Camp

Written by Mackenzie M

Me and Emmy had a lot of funny stuff in the lunchroom. What we were doing was hiding from each other in the cabin. We played family without stuffed animals. We brushed our teeth and then went to bed, and me and Emmy were passing notes to each other. And then we changed to go to bed. We fell asleep.

[The next day,] me and Emmy went swimming in the water. The water was cold. [We] had a camp fire, and I made a s’more and pizza and sandwiches.

I went on the giant swing. I went all the way up.

Reasons Why Camp Wildwood is Good for Mental Health

Written by Truth R

One reason Camp Wildwood is good for mental health is because if campers have something going on at home, they can come here. They can use this as an escape or getaway from their problems. Camp can help take their minds off certain things. Another reason camp is good for mental health is they can learn a lot of things. Usually kids just sit at home on their phones all day doing the same stuff each and everyday. When campers come here, they’re not on an electronic. They can socialize with different people and instead of doing the same things everyday. They can do plenty of different things each day and can learn stuff they didn’t know about nature of different stuff in general.

Camp Wildwood–A Ten Year Program

Camp Wildwood–A Ten Year Program

A camp session at Wildwood lasts just 5 days, but we often talk about Camp Wildwood being a 10-year program.

Why? We focus on having campers come back each year because the research shows increased benefits for campers each year they return, culminating in long-term benefits that will impact campers into adulthood.

What are these benefits? We’re glad you asked!

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Welcome, Americorps VISTAs!

Welcome, Americorps VISTAs!

This year, Wildwood has been lucky to welcome two excellent Americorps VISTA members, Shannon and Katie! Shannon and Katie will be with Wildwood for the next 12 months, increasing Wildwood’s fundraising, volunteering, programming, and camp recruitment and retention capacity.

More specifically, Shannon will be building new camp programs, leveling up our staff training, and planning new ways to recruit and retain camp staff and campers. Katie will be re-building Wildwood’s volunteer program, supporting individual fundraising through community events, and crafting new PR strategy for Wildwood.

They are both making a huge difference at Wildwood already, and we are so excited to have them on board! Welcome to the team!

(You can send a digital welcome to Shannon and Katie here: https://www.kudoboard.com/boards/fMYnTOzu)

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What Campers Gained This Summer

What Campers Gained This Summer

Hello, Wildwood families! 

Can you believe it? Another summer camp season has come and gone.  It feels like the summer just began and we are already putting away the canoes and closing down camp.  For many Wildwood campers, this summer was the first summer away to camp, while for others it was merely a return to a favorite summer spot.  Regardless of which was the case for your camper(s), we hope the experience was a fun and memorable one

As I am sure you were excitedly told upon picking up your child, your camper probably participated in many classic camp activities such as archery, canoeing and giant tag games across our large, open field games. 

Campers working through a low-ropes challenge this summer.
Campers helping out in the garden
A few of our week 5 campers

But there’s a good chance that they got something even more valuable than a chance to catch a fish, hike up a wooded hillside, or try out our zipline — they got to step outside the usual home environment and practice some independence.  Campers were responsible for carrying out their own morning and evening routines and chose their own afternoon activities, and, in many ways, designed their own days while at camp.  Perhaps you’ve noticed some of this independence seeping into the home life since they’ve come back. (We’d love to hear about what you’ve noticed, via our parent survey, email at kevin@wildwoodctr.org, or at one of our upcoming events!)

Campers also practiced getting along with others.  Upon arriving in a cabin with different peers from different backgrounds, campers get to know their peers and go through much of the day with these same peers.  Sometimes conflict arises, and there were many instances of campers working through these difficult situations with the support of their cabin staff and gaining a new idea of someone else’s perspective. We’re curious if you’ve noticed any instances of a wider, more open mind since your camper got home.

We hope you’ll tell us about it–the good and the bad–at one of our events this fall! Whether you and your family attend a hike with our hike club, eat with us at Wildwood Family Dinner, or explore Wildwood trails at Electric Night Hike, we can’t wait to hear from you and see you in person!


Kevin Anderson

Wildwood Camp Director

Welcome to the Team, Kevin!

Welcome to the Team, Kevin!

In 2021, Wildwood began the search for a new Camp Director. After months of searching, Kevin Anderson joined the team in February 2022, and he is already making a huge difference for Wildwood.

But it won’t be his first summer at Wildwood! Kevin worked as a counselor and seasonal staff at Wildwood for several years in the mid-2000s.

What are some of your early experiences in the outdoors? How did you get interested?

I was extremely fortunate to spend many weekends wandering my grandpa’s farm in western Kansas with my cousins or fishing and camping with my dad at the local lake. 

There was something special about the feeling of being out at these places and just interacting with the world around me, and I look forward to enabling youth from our community to have similar experiences at camp this summer.

How did you first find Wildwood? What was that experience like? 

I first heard about Wildwood from friends at college who had worked here as camp counselors, and I joined them as a counselor myself.

The experience was a blast!  I had an unforgettable summer, and it certainly changed my life for the better. Within a few months of leaving WIldwood, I was signed up to come back not only for the next summer, but also live on site and work the spring and fall outdoor school programs.

Can you tell us a little about your background?

For the last few years I have been pursuing a Master’s degree in Counseling from MidAmerica Nazarene University, and I worked at Kids TLC in Olathe for the last six years. 

I am beyond excited to be returning to Wildwood!  I cannot wait to do my part for Wildwood to continue offering the transformative summertime experiences. that meant so much to me when I first got to be part of Wildwood as a counselor over ten years ago!

What are some of your passions outside work? 

When not working, I love to camp, hike a trail, play disc golf with friends, or play a song on the mandolin (badly).

What are you most looking forward to in this position? 

A couple of things come to mind: first, I am most looking forward to seeing camp full of kids having fun playing games, catching fish, and splashing around in canoes.  I am also very excited to begin the community-building process that starts when our fantastic counselors arrive for their first day of staff training.

The Results Are In–2021 Camper Outcomes

The Results Are In–2021 Camper Outcomes

You might already know that we ask campers to take surveys while they’re at camp. But you might not know why.

We ask campers to take surveys for two reasons: so we can improve camp, and so we can make camp as impactful as possible. We want campers to leave Wildwood with a new enjoyment of being outside, enthusiasm for science, and social and emotional skills gained through cabin life.

Here are a few highlights:

At the end of camp,

85% of campers enjoyed the freedom of the outdoors more.
83% of campers felt more comfortable outdoors
79% of campers reported strong decision making skills
80% of campers enjoyed being in nature more
80% of campers reported strong social awareness
78% of campers reported strong self-management skills

88% of campers felt more connected to nature
76% of campers reported strong relationship skills

Other Insights

In addition to what campers learn, it’s incredibly important to us that campers AND parents are happy with the camp experience.

Last year, our parents and older campers (age 12+) also let us know how we can make camp better. Here’s what we learned:

campers said they liked friends, high ropes, swimming, and getting outside
Kids said we can improve number of overall activities and having more time with friends from other cabins
parents said they liked high quality programs, fun, inclusiveness, and friendship
Parents said we can improve pre-camp communication and quantity of camper photos and videos.
Campers asked for clocks, so we're adding clocks to the cabins and dining hall.
Parents asked for more pre-camp communication, so we're adding a pre-camp email series through our camp software.
Parents asked for more camper photos and videos, so we're seeking a volunteer photographer for this summer.

P.S. If you’d like to volunteer as a photographer this summer, please let us know! Email Jane at jane@wildwoodctr.org or text at (913)738-9067. 🙂

A Note About Our Survey Data

In 2021, Wildwood capped overnight camp at half capacity to reduce COVID-19 risks, and served a total of 337 campers. Of those, 66 campers’ surveys could not be matched from pre- to post-, and were excluded from the data. 

The remaining 271 surveys were analyzed for camper growth in five areas: environmental literacy (particularly wanting to be outside and feeling connected to nature); responsible decision-making; self-management (being aware of and processing one’s emotions in a healthy way); relationship skills (conflict resolution, feeling connected to others); and social awareness (empathizing with others and reacting accordingly).

Volunteer Spotlight: Justin and Matt

Volunteer Spotlight: Justin and Matt
New wall at the main campfire, designed and constructed by Justin and Matt Dreier

This summer, we were lucky enough to have father-son duo Justin and Matt Dreier create a new outdoor wall for Wildwood. Justin serves on the Wildwood Board of Directors, and Robyn, Wildwood’s executive director, approached him about the project.

Another volunteer–Kyle–had created an indoor wall for Wildwood, complete with led lights, and a fabric-covered logo. (Pictured below)

We loved the piece so much that Robyn asked Justin if he would be willing to take a shot at creating a weather durable version for the main campfire.

Justin and son, Matt took on the project, undeterred by the challenge.

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The Wild Robot in the Woods

The Wild Robot in the Woods

Wildwood loves summer reading. Research says that kids who read during the summer retain more school-year learning and enjoy reading more.

At camp, kids read everywhere–on rules for fishing, in directions for sunblock and insect repellant, on signs in the cabins.

Reading at camp is more fun and engaging when we add a sense of community to our reading program. That’s why we are so excited to introduce a common read this year, The Wild Robot written by Peter Brown.

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Volunteer Counselor–David

Volunteer Counselor–David

Although we haven’t had volunteers on site in the last year or so, we are so so grateful for their work and support. In honor of National Volunteer Week, we’d like to highlight the experience one of our dedicated volunteers, David, had working with campers in 2019.

My name is David. I work at Cerner. In 2019, I had the opportunity to volunteer as a counselor for a week of camp at Wildwood.

How I Got Involved

You might wonder how I came to spend a week with campers at Wildwood.

I first learned about Wildwood in March 2018 when I was searching for volunteer opportunities. I stumbled across a listing for Wildwood’s fundraiser, Take A Wild Guess, at Boulevard Brewery. Between my background as an Eagle Scout and my fondness for local beer, I knew that this was the perfect volunteer opportunity for me. I volunteered at the event–manning a game station for guests–but I immediately felt I had more I could offer Wildwood than a donation or a few hours of my time.

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