Hello, Wildwood families!
Can you believe it? Another summer camp season has come and gone. It feels like the summer just began and we are already putting away the canoes and closing down camp. For many Wildwood campers, this summer was the first summer away to camp, while for others it was merely a return to a favorite summer spot. Regardless of which was the case for your camper(s), we hope the experience was a fun and memorable one.
As I am sure you were excitedly told upon picking up your child, your camper probably participated in many classic camp activities such as archery, canoeing and giant tag games across our large, open field games.

But there’s a good chance that they got something even more valuable than a chance to catch a fish, hike up a wooded hillside, or try out our zipline — they got to step outside the usual home environment and practice some independence. Campers were responsible for carrying out their own morning and evening routines and chose their own afternoon activities, and, in many ways, designed their own days while at camp. Perhaps you’ve noticed some of this independence seeping into the home life since they’ve come back. (We’d love to hear about what you’ve noticed, via our parent survey, email at kevin@wildwoodctr.org, or at one of our upcoming events!)
Campers also practiced getting along with others. Upon arriving in a cabin with different peers from different backgrounds, campers get to know their peers and go through much of the day with these same peers. Sometimes conflict arises, and there were many instances of campers working through these difficult situations with the support of their cabin staff and gaining a new idea of someone else’s perspective. We’re curious if you’ve noticed any instances of a wider, more open mind since your camper got home.
We hope you’ll tell us about it–the good and the bad–at one of our events this fall! Whether you and your family attend a hike with our hike club, eat with us at Wildwood Family Dinner, or explore Wildwood trails at Electric Night Hike, we can’t wait to hear from you and see you in person!
Kevin Anderson
Wildwood Camp Director