What Is Leadership Camp?
The Wildwood Leadership Program is designed for returning campers entering grades 9-12 who want to develop their leadership skills and help others while working with youth.
Our goal is to provide job training focused on teaching and child care professions, careers in outdoor education, and facility trades.
In addition, participating teens will practice the basics of leadership, interpersonal skills and self-awareness.Campers progress through the Leadership Program at their own unique pace.
How It Works
All Leadership Campers should participate in two weeks of camp.
Soon after registering for their first week of camp, Leadership Campers will receive an email inviting them to register for a second week of camp using a special code. This second week of camp is free of charge.
During the Leadership Camp program teens will spend their first week learning the skills they need to be successful camp leaders.
The second week of camp will focus on the implementation of these skills and teens will have the opportunity to practice what they have learned under the supervision of the Leadership Specialist and other camp staff.
Leadership Camp Progression
Leadership Campers progress through several stages before they become seasonal staff. The stages are:
- Leadership Camper
- Year One Camp Apprentice
- Year Two Camp Apprentice
- Seasonal Staff
Not all campers will progress on the same timeline as others. Campers can be invited to repeat Leadership Camp up to four times.
At the end of the summer, each camper will have a meeting with Wildwood Staff to discuss what their options are for the next summer.
Leadership Camp
Grades 9-12
Sessions 2, 4, and 6
Leadership Camp is a two-week program.
Campers will attend a leadership training program in week 2, 4, or 6.
They will return to camp for a second week during weeks 3, 5, or 7. During the second week, campers implement their new skills and shadow an experienced camp counselor.
There is no fee for the second week.
When you complete registration for the first week of this program, you will receive a link via email. This link will allow you to sign up for a second week of your choice.
Leadership Campers MUST complete the first week of Leadership Camp before returning for a second week.
Week 2 Leadership Campers can return during weeks 3, 5, and 7.
Week 4 Leadership Campers have the option to return during weeks 5 and 7.
Week 6 Leadership Campers may return during week 7.
Camp Apprentice
Grades 10-12 ( age 15 +)
All sessions
Campers who are 15 years old or older can return as Camp Apprentices after completing Leadership Camp.
Camp Apprentice is an earn-while-you-learn position and a part of the Kauffman Foundation’s Pro-X project.
Camp Apprentices support several areas of camp. They may help with cabin counseling, activities, and meals and clean up.
The Leadership Program was different in 2022. Why did you change it?
Every year we evaluate the previous summer, and we look for ways to improve the program.
How many weeks may I attend?
Leadership Camp is a 2-week program. All Leadership Campers must attend the Session 1, 4, or 6 unless otherwise noted. After the first week, campers will have a choice of a second week to attend.
Camp Apprentices may initially sign up for 2 weeks per summer. Additional weeks may be available, but they need to be approved by the Camp Director.
How do I sign-up for a second week as a Leadership Camper?
Once you complete registration for Leadership Camp, you will receive a link via email.
This link will allow you to sign up for a second week of your choice. Please note Leadership Camp has limited space, so please complete registration as soon as possible.
Why can Leadership Campers and Camp Apprentices only attend two weeks at summer camp?
Wildwood has a limited number of bunks at camp. We have to balance the needs of Leadership participants with Wildwood campers.
Will I get participate in camp activities?
There will be plenty of opportunities for regular camp activities.
However, the priority of the Leadership Program is to develop leadership skills, so priority will be on leadership development activities. Leadership Campers should expect to be more of a helper for these activities than a participant.
How do I know whether to enroll as a Camp Apprentice or as a Leadership Camper?
The Camp Director will discuss appropriate placement with both campers and parents.
How much do Camp Apprentices receive for their stipend?
•Year One Camp Apprentice will receive a $50/day stipend for their work.
•Year Two Camp Apprentice will receive a $60/day stipend for their work.
What if I have a summer birthday?
If you have a summer birthday that is a cutoff point for summer programs, please reach out to the Camp Director. They will help you choose the right program.
When can I be on staff?
The majority of our staff must be age 18 or older, but we can hire a limited number of 16 and 17 year olds.
17 year olds may work as a cabin counselor. Being hired in this role is dependent on many characteristics including maturity, ability to complete work, and participation in training. Staff will be at least 2 years older than the campers they are supervising.
16 years olds are eligible to work on Wildwood’s kitchen or maintenance teams.