At Wildwood we strive to provide healthy, kid-friendly meals for active camp days. We use whole wheat breads, seasonal fruit and vegetables and lean proteins. Campers may eat outdoors, in the dining hall, or along the trails during their camp adventures.
Campers receive a snack in the afternoon and evening. There is also fruit available (generally apples and oranges) all day in the dining hall.
We do not allow campers to have outside food, snacks or candy at camp to protect the health of all participants.
If you have any food that your camper will need, you may give it to staff and it will be kept in the kitchen. Picky eaters always find something to eat. We accommodate many dietary needs, and we work to accommodate food allergies.
Sample Menu

Frequently Asked Questions
My child has a food allergy. Can they still come to camp?
My child has an eating disorder/is recovering from an eating disorder (including ARFID, bulimia, anorexia, BED, etc). Can they come to camp?
My child is vegetarian or vegan. Can you accommodate their needs?