
Car Rider Info for Overnight Camp

Car Riders

Please arrive during the drop off and pick up windows at Wildwood Outdoor Education Center. A link to Google Maps and detailed directions are listed below. If you need immediate assistance, please call or text (913) 738-9067. Do not text and drive.

Parents and authorized pick-up individuals will be allowed to come into the Learning Center to check in with their camper(s). Plan to spend 15-30 minutes checking in your camper.

Camper medications will be checked in by staff; please keep medications in their original packaging (not in a pill dispenser or other container), and do not pack medications in camper luggage.

Drop Off

Wildwood Outdoor Education Center

7095 W 399th St

LaCygne, KS 66040

Pick Up

Wildwood Outdoor Education Center

7095 W 399th St

LaCygne, KS 66040

Directions to Camp

Wildwood is located one mile east of 69 Highway on 399th St. There is a green sign to mark the entrance on the south side of the road. Come in the driveway and pass the first 4 buildings you see to arrive at the Learning Center, a large A-frame cabin with a gravel parking lot on the west side of the road. Our office is the left-most door of this building. I will meet you there! 

For any last minute questions or directions, please call or text 913-738-9067.